- Description
- Review
- 360 calories
- 5g fat
- 60g carbohydrates
- 17g fibers
- 19g proteins
- 40% daily value of Iron
- 11% daily value of Calcium
- 7% daily value of Vitamin C
Black chana is an extremely versatile legume and can be used in boiled form or as sprouts in salads, soups and stews or even as a quick snack. These chickpeas are especially popular for making salads (see recipe) either as sprouts or in boiled form. Just add some chopped onions, tomatoes, coriander, salt, pepper and lime to enjoy a delicious and healthy treat that can nourish any day. Include black gram in your diet, and lead a healthier life! Black Chickpeas can also be prepared as a dark hummus!
Kala Chana is also a very diabetes-friendly as it helps to control the blood sugar level because of its high content in fibres. In the same way, black chickpeas is a great option to manage the cholesterol and loose weight.
Also called chick pea, bengal gram or garbanzo bean.
Kala Chana is the popular black Indian chickpeas. It is low in fat but a high source of protein and fiber. Kala Chana is enriched with vitamin B6, C, folate, niacin, riboflavin, and thiamin. It also contains minerals like copper, iron, manganese, and phosphorus.
Health benefits of Kala Chana
The nutritional profile of Kala Chana is such that it promotes muscle mass, boosts the immune system, regulates diabetes, and improves hair, skin, and nail health.
How to consume Kala Chana
The most popular recipes using Kala Chana are dry Kala Chana and the Kala Chana curry. Some people even dish out a nourishing Kala Chana soup in winters.
The yummy dry Kala Chana is super easy to make. In the local dialect, dry Chana is called sukha Kala Chana where sukha means ‘dry’.
The sukha Kala Chana recipe is an integral part of Ashtami prasad for Kanjak or Kanya puja during Navratri. Dry Kala Chana is served with poori and sooji halwa as Ashtami prasad.
Kala Chana can also be incorporated into your dietary regime regularly. Once you have the boiled black chickpeas ready, the dry Kala Chana recipe takes only 10 minutes to prepare.
You can also eat boiled Kala Chana as a salad or munch it as a snack. Just add chopped onions, tomatoes, coriander, salt, pepper, and lime to enjoy a healthy treat!
Kala Chana is a versatile legume that can also be used as sprouts in salads.
Dry Kala Chana Recipe
- Kala Chana- 2 cups
- Cumin seeds- 1 tsp
- Ajwain- 1 tsp
- Hing- 2 pinches
- Cumin powder- 1 tsp
- Garam masala- 1 tsp
- Coriander powder-1 tsp
- Red chili powder- ½ tsp
- Amchur powder-1 tsp
- Black salt- as per taste
- Ginger grated- 2 tsp
- Garlic cloves- 2, finely chopped
- Green chilis- 2, finely chopped
- Coriander leaves- finely chopped, for garnishing.
Black chickpeas are highly nutritious but heavy to digest. Therefore, one can add ajwain, hing, and ginger to the recipe to aid digestion.
Soaking and Cooking Kala Chana:
1) Thoroughly wash dry chana in cold water.
2) Then soak the washed chanas in water for 7-8 hours or overnight. The water level should be 2-3 inches above the beans.
2) Once soaked overnight, discard the soaked water. Pressure cook the chana in freshwater until soft. The chanas should be easily pressed, once boiled.
1) Heat oil in a thick-bottomed pan. Once hot, add ajwain, hing, and cumin seeds.
2) Once ajwain and cumin seeds sizzle, add grated ginger, chopped garlic, and green chili. Saute till the garlic turns golden and the raw smell of ginger fades away (40-50 seconds).
3) Next, add boiled Kala Chana along with only ½ cup of boiled water. You can drink the rest of the water after adding a pinch of black salt to it. Or, use it to knead the dough for roti or parathas. One can also use this water in other gravy dishes.
4) Now add cumin powder, garam masala, coriander powder, red chili powder, amchur powder, and black salt to the pan with boiled Kala Chana.
5) Mix everything well and let it simmer on low-medium heat till all the moisture evaporates. A thick gravy coated with Kala Chana will be left.
6) Remove from the stove. Sprinkle with chopped cilantro and serve.
Looking where to buy Kala Chana online in Canada? Just add to cart and get it home delivered anywhere in Canada. We are also having Organic Kala Chana and Kala Chana Flour.
Pois chiches noirs
Communément appelé «Kala chana» en Inde, les pois chiches noirs ou bruns font partie intégrante du régime végétarien. Ils sont faibles en gras, riches en fibres et riches en vitamines et en minéraux (fer et calcium). Ils sont très utiles dans l'alimentation des femmes et des enfants car ils fournissent une bonne quantité de fer et de calcium. De plus, la vitamine C contenue dans le pois chiche noir améliore la biodisponibilité du fer, ce qui signifie qu'il aide à absorber plus de fer.
Valeur nutritive du pois chiche noir:
Pour 1 tasse de pois chiches noirs cuits
- 360 calories
- 5g de lipides
- 60g de glucides
- 17g de fibres
- 19g de protéines
- 40% valeur quotidienne de fer
- 11% valeur quotidienne de calcium
- 7% valeur quotidienne de vitamine C
Ces pois chiches sont particulièrement populaires pour faire des salades (voir la recette). Ajoutez simplement des oignons hachés, des tomates, de la coriandre, du sel, du poivre et de la lime pour savourer un plat délicieux et sain.
Les pois chiches noirs sont également un aliment intéressant pour les personnes qui souffrent de diabète, car il aide à contrôler le taux de sucre dans le sang en raison de sa teneur élevée en fibres. De la même manière, les pois chiches noirs sont une excellente option pour gérer le cholestérol et perdre du poids.
Vous cherchez où acheter des pois chiches noirs en ligne au Canada? Il suffit d’ajouter au panier. Nous offrons la livraison partout au Canada. Nous avons aussi de la farine de pois chiches noirs et des pois chiches noirs biologiques.