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Fitkari, Phitkari or Alum is used widely in India for its natural antiseptic and cleansing properties. It is mostly used as an after shave by rubbing it on skin to moisturize and work as an antiseptic. Also, many people who don't have access to clean water in India also add a small amount of alum to their water buckets which helps sediment all the impurities to the bottom and hence the water is relatively better for use.
What is Alum or Fitkari?
Alum is an odorless, colorless and transparent substance that has been found naturally in the earth for centuries. Fitkari, called Alum in English, is a rough-edged stone commonly used in India for therapeutic as well as spiritual purposes. Its chemical name is potassium aluminum sulfate, KAI(SO4)2. Did you know that Alum is also eaten in small quantities to cure canker sores (small mouth ulcers)? People have used it since long to treat minor cuts and abrasions. However, this should be strictly done under the supervision of a medical practitioner. In many Indian households, it is commonly found sitting on the kitchen cabinet shelves. It is found both in sold crystalline form as well as powdered form.
10 Benefits of Fitkari or Alum :
1. Aftershave lotion as Fitkari helps to stop the bleeding, heal the skin and provide natural glow to skin. Many barbers around the world are using Fitkari block to control bleeding after shaving. Alum acts as an astringent and aids the blockage or sealing of the blood vessels. Just rub the alum block over the cuts for 5 minutes. Wait 10 minutes and wash your face with lukewarm water. Repeat if bleeding appears again.
2. For bad breath : Add 1 gm of white alum and a pinch of salt to a glass of warm water and stir to dissolve. Rinse your mouth with this liquid without drinking as it can cause nausea.
3. For bleeding gums, weak teeths and dental caries : Take 1 gm of fitkari powder, a pinch of cinnamon and some rock salt to make a paste to gently massage on your gum. Then, rinse mouth with water.
4. As a coagulant- Alum along with chlorine is used to purify water. Alum helps settle suspended particles in water through coagulation. Chlorine is a disinfectant that kills disease-causing pathogens in water. For nose bleed : Sprinkle 1 gm of Fitkari on a wet cotton ball. Press it on the side of the bleeding nose for few seconds.
5. As a water purifier : White Alum is the most ancient ways to clean water in India. Add a pinch of alum to water to remove the solid impurities. Wait 10-15 minutes for the particles to settle down. Throw the sediments and boil water to kill the bacterias.
6. As a deodorant and antitranspirant. Nowadays, many deodorants on the market are having Alum as an ingredients along with many other chemical products. Alum kills all the bacterias that are producing a bad odor. If you want to go more natural, just use Alum as a deodorant. Wet your underarms and rub the Alum block over the underarms. Wait few minutes and wash your underarms.
7. As an antiseptic- In the Ayurvedic form of medicine, Alum is used as a remedy for toothache and gum problems. Alum is loaded with antiseptic properties that help protect against cavities, swollen gums, bleeding gums, and tooth decay. Many dentists recommend it as a mouthwash.
8. As an astringent- Alum is a natural astringent. It is a component in many anti-wrinkle and anti-aging creams. Soak cotton balls in the alum mixture and apply on the face. Leave the unit dry and wash off. Doing this on a regular basis is believed to make your skin tight.
9. For its Beauty Benefits- Alum removes your blackheads in the most effective way. Take Alum powder, add some rose water, and make a smooth paste. Apply it gently on your blackheads. Leave until dry. Wash off with cold water. Avoid rubbing your skin as it may cause irritation. Pat dry your face. In Ayurveda, Alum is often recommended to treat acne and pimples. It also treats cracked heels. Heat a lump of alum so that it liquefies and becomes foamy. Upon drying, you get a crumbly powder. Grind it to a fine consistency. Mix with coconut oil. Rub it to your heels. Regular use makes your heels soft and smooth.
10. Vastu Shastra- Many Acharyas (people who preach Vastu Shastra, a traditional system of architecture from India) believe that Alum is a remedy for any Vastu defects in the house. According to Vastu Shastra, keeping a small piece of Alum in an obscure corner bestows positivity, happiness, and peace in your house. It is also believed that keeping alum in your safe brings more wealth.
How to select and store Alum
Alum should be translucent in appearance and in a solid crystal or powdered form. Powdered and solid Alum should be stored in an airtight container and kept in a cool and dry place.
Looking where to buy Fitkari or Alum in Canada? We are selling good quality Alum online. We offer home delivery everywhere in Canada.
Le Fitkari, Phitkari ou alun est largement utilisé en Inde pour ses propriétés antiseptiques et nettoyantes naturelles. Il est principalement utilisé comme après-rasage en le frottant sur la peau pour l'hydrater et comme antiseptique. Aussi, de nombreuses personnes qui n’ont pas accès à de l’eau salubre en Inde ajoutent également une petite quantité d’alun à leurs seaux d’eau, ce qui permet de sédimenter toutes les impuretés au fond.
Qu'est-ce que l'Alun?
L'alun est une substance inodore, incolore et transparente que l'on trouve naturellement dans la terre depuis des siècles.
Usages de l'Alun :
1. L'Alun comme lotion après-rasage aide à arrêter le saignement, à guérir la peau et à donner un éclat naturel à la peau. De nombreux barbiers du monde entier utilisent l'Alun pour contrôler les saignements après le rasage. L'alun agit comme un astringent et aide à bloquer ou à sceller les vaisseaux sanguins. Il suffit de frotter le bloc d'alun sur les coupes pendant 5 minutes. Attendez 10 minutes et lavez votre visage à l’eau tiède. Répétez si le saignement réapparaît.
2. Pour la mauvaise haleine: Ajoutez 1 gramme de poudre d'alun et une pincée de sel dans un verre d'eau tiède et remuez pour dissoudre. Rincez-vous la bouche avec ce liquide sans boire car cela peut causer des nausées.
3. En cas de saignement des gencives, des dents fragiles et des caries dentaires: prenez 1 gramme de poudre d'alun, une pincée de cannelle et du sel pour former une pâte à masser doucement sur votre gencive. Ensuite, rincez la bouche avec de l'eau.
4. Pour les saignements de nez: Saupoudrez 1 g de poudre d'Alun sur une boule de coton humide. Appuyez sur le côté du nez qui saigne pendant quelques secondes.
5. En tant que purificateur d’eau: L’alun est l’un des moyens les plus anciens de purifier l’eau en Inde. Ajoutez une pincée d’alun à l’eau pour éliminer les impuretés solides. Attendez 10-15 minutes pour que les particules se déposent. Jetez les sédiments et faites bouillir de l'eau pour tuer les bactéries.
6. En tant que déodorant et antitranspirant. De nos jours, de nombreux désodorisants sur le marché contiennent de l'Alun comme ingrédient, ainsi que de nombreux autres produits chimiques. L'Alun tue toutes les bactéries qui produisent une mauvaise odeur. Si vous voulez aller plus naturel, utilisez simplement l'Alun comme déodorant. Mouillez vos aisselles et frottez le bloc d’alun sur les aisselles. Attendez quelques minutes et lavez vos aisselles.
Vous cherchez ou acheter l'Alun au Canada? Nous vendons de l'Alun de bonne qualité en ligne.