- Description
- Review
Amla is known as the Indian Gooseberry in English and is a very good source of Vitamin C and Fiber. It is used a lot in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for balancing the body and for aiding daily, gentle cleansing and detoxification. It is one of the ingredients in Triphala, Ayurveda’s most common herbal formulas. In it's natural form it is a light green in color and becomes a darker black when dried.
Amla or Indian gooseberry is a superfood packed with Vitamin C. It grows on the flowering Amla tree. The small berries of this tree, known as Amla, are yellowish-green in color.
Nutritionists recommend incorporating Amla into your diet daily.
Taste of Amla
Amla is known as a ‘divyaushada’ or divine medicine. It has five typical tastes – sweet, sour, pungent, bitter, and astringent. However, its typical sour taste does not go well with most people. Let us look at some easy ways of consuming amla.
How to consume Amla
Amla is sold as Amla Powder, Amla Juice, Amla Murabba, Amla Churan, or Amla Candy. One can also consume Amla as a whole fruit. Whether eaten raw, powdered, juiced, or simply added in jams, pickles, or spreads - incorporating this green fruit directly translates into good health.
How To Make Amla Juice At Home
Amla juice is a detoxifying drink that can be easily prepared at home.
Fresh Amla Juice Recipe
Amla- 5 fruits
Honey- 2 tbsp
Black Salt- ¼ tsp
Water- 300 ml
- Chop amla into small pieces. Discard seeds.
- Grind the pieces into a paste in a mixie, by adding little water.
- Dilute amla paste with water. Add salt and honey. Stir well.
- Relish the healthy concoction with some ice cubes.
Let’s now look at some health benefits of amla-
Health Benefits of Amla
- Boosts immunity- Amla is an excellent source of Vitamin C, hence it helps boost your immunity.
- Improves metabolism- The essential minerals and vitamins found in amla are calcium, iron, phosphorus, carotene, vitamin B, protein, and fiber. These vitamins and minerals are integral to smooth working of your body's digestive system and overall well-being. Therefore, consuming amla prevents viral and bacterial ailments, and also boosts metabolism.
- Increases longevity- Amla helps in slowing down the aging process and also boosts collagen production. This keeps your skin and hair healthy.
- Anti-cancer properties- Amla’s nutritional profile has many polyphenols that fight against the development of cancer cells.
- Brings equilibrium- According to Ayurveda, amla juice is tridoshic. This means it balances all the processes in the body and brings to equilibrium all three doshas - Vata, Kapha, Pitta.
- Natural antioxidant- Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant and amla is a rich source. This means Amla protects you against the harmful effects of free radicals.
- Good for hair growth- Massaging the scalp with Amla oil provides luster, strengthens the follicles and the vitamin C content prevents premature greying. Many women add amla powder with henna powder o make a fine paste to apply on hair.
In India, amla a food super rich in anti-oxidants is used in a variety of ways, most commonly in its raw form as a fruit or in its easy to store dried form as this one. Many people also make a dried vegetable or pickle out of amla with a mix of spices and herbs. Although it's health benefits are immense it's taste is not for the faint hearted. Amla has a very strong distinct sour tangy flavor which you may have never tasted before. Often people make sweet candies out of amla in order to make it easily palatable however once you get used to the natural amla flavor you will almost crave the nutritious, lemony, juicy flavor. Many companies in India also add amla as a key ingredient to their hair oils and it's known to be very beneficial for hair and body. Often people also juice the amla and drink a small portion as part of their daily routine.
Diabetics in India include amla as a key part of their diet in order to help manage their blood sugar. All of Amla's benefits are not merely here say but in fact proven with high quality scientific literature. Refer to this research done hundreds others done by the scientific community on amla's role as a super food in Indian culture https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21317655
If you are wondering where to buy amla fruit, amla powder, amla candy, organic amla powder, amla oil, indian gooseberry or want to know more about amla benefits or gooseberry benefits then look no further. We have all of them available here at Singals.ca
Groseille indienne séchée
La groseille indienne ou amla en Hindi ou indian gooseberry en anglais constitue une très bonne source de vitamine C et de fibres. Elle est très utilisé en médecine ayurvédique traditionnelle pour équilibrer le corps et pour aider au nettoyage et à la désintoxication au quotidien. C’est l’un des ingrédients de la poudre de Triphala, la formule à base de plantes la plus courante de l’Ayurveda. Dans sa forme naturelle, elle est de couleur vert clair et devient noir plus foncé lorsqu'elle est séchée.
En Inde, la groseille indienne, un aliment très riche en anti-oxydants, est utilisée de différentes manières, le plus souvent sous sa forme brute en tant que fruit ou sous sa forme séchée comme celle-ci, plus facile à conserver. Beaucoup de gens font aussi un pickle avec la groseille indienne avec un mélange d'épices et d'herbes.
Bien que ses avantages pour la santé soient immenses, son goût n’est pas pour les âmes sensibles. La groseille indienne a une saveur acidulée distincte très forte que vous n'avez peut-être jamais goûtée auparavant. Souvent, les gens fabriquent des bonbons sucrés avec la groseille indienne afin de la rendre plus agréable au goût. Cependant, une fois que vous vous serez habitué à la saveur naturelle de la groseille indienne, vous aurez presque envie de la saveur nutritive, citronnée et juteuse.
De nombreuses entreprises indiennes ont également ajouté la groseille indienne comme ingrédient clé dans leurs huiles capillaires et elle est réputée être très bénéfique pour les cheveux et le corps. Souvent, les gens pressent également la groseille indienne et en boivent une petite partie dans le cadre de leur routine quotidienne. En Inde, les personnes diabétiques incluent la groseille indienne dans leur régime alimentaire pour mieux gérer leur glycémie. Tous les avantages de la groseille indienne ne sont pas simplement décrits ici, ils sont également prouvés par une littérature scientifique de grande qualité. Reportez-vous à cette recherche réalisée par la communauté scientifique sur des centaines d'autres sur le rôle de la groseille indienne en tant que super aliment dans la culture indienne https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21317655
Si vous vous demandez où acheter la groseille indienne, des bonbons épicés faits de ce super aliment, de la poudre de groseille indienne biologique, de l'huile d'amla pour les cheveux, de la groseille indienne séchée ou si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les avantages de la groseille indienne, ne cherchez plus. Nous avons tous ces produits disponibles ici à Singals.ca